Sunday 9 October 2011

Life of a Ludite and Izzie Says

Bet you thought I had already given up on the honest.  Well that is understandable.  Actually we moved into our own apartment up here, and we haven't set up cable or internet, yet. What?  No TV?! That is crazy talk. I know.  Believe it or not, I am actually enjoying it, but don't tell Rusty.  My posts may not be as frequent for the next couple of weeks, but I promise to pick up the pace when the internet comes back.

So I thought I would catch you up on Izzie Says because she has been cracking us up and quite frankly amazing us.

Izzie Says...
I have two good stories from this week.
Last Tuesday I went to see a movie with Iris and left Izzie and Rusty to hang out together for the evening.  I came home at 9:30pm (an hour and a half past Izzie's bed time) to find them sitting on the couch eating cookies. 

I asked them, "What's up, guys? Why is Izzie not wearing the PJs I laid out for her?"
Izzie jumped down ran to her room and said, "Water!" Completely telling on her Daddy.

Rusty said he put her to bed with a sippy cup of water (forgetting to put the stopper in it).  A few minutes later, she was screaming.  He went to check on her and noticed her water was empty. Her head, clothes and bed were soaking wet.  He picked her up, and she said, "Towel, Daddy."  He felt so bad he let her stay up and eat cookies. 

 Here is a sweet shot of the culprits from earlier...

Story Two
Day before yesterday, I was late getting dinner ready.  I was feeding Izzie as I cooked, and by the time Rusty and I sat down we just started digging in.  Izzie held out her hands and said, "Pray!" Rusty and I felt so bad, but we are thankful our 19 month old is holding us accountable.

More Izzie Says...
Sockett Ball                  Translation: Soccer Ball
Dawgs...Woof!              Translation: Goooo Dawgs! Sic em! Woof, Woof, Woof!
Ear She As: Daddy!       Translation: There you are, Daddy.
Oh Boy!                        She says this when she is excited.
Weaky! Weaky! Weaky!  Oh No! Where Weaky Go, Dowa?  Boots?  (This is actually a reenactment of an episode of Dora in which Boots lost his rubber toy named Squeaky.  We hear this at least twice a day.)

Have a Great Week! Oh and if you are in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I miss the little sneaky girl who tells on her daddy! I still think you and Iz need to hop on a plane for Halloween. We need Iz to translate for the spooks! E E E, Bobby!! love you!
